Matching except the proper variation magazine which is numbered 1224. These were extremely well build guns than could handle very hot ammunition back in their day but you never know if it’s been abused or improperly maintained throughout its life. German Luger with serial number 500, matching numbers with lettered holster Description: 75 blue, 50 straw, good bore, good grips, 4'' barrel, Orignal blue finish, strawed small parts and checkered walnut grips. It’s rare that a luger toggle breaks under normal use but it has happened before. Inspect those corners carefully, they may already have a small crack forming.Īlso, when you go to shoot it, standard 115gr FMJ ammunition is fine but be sure to regularly inspect the toggle around the pins for any cracks developing. It’s very very easy to chip the top corners of the left panel. If you ever decide to take the grips off you need to be EXTREMELY careful, especially with the left side grip. There may be some videos out there to help as well.ĮDIT: Just thought of a couple more things. The German Navy Luger was ordered with a 6 barrel and sights graduated out to. The estimated selling price for this Luger is 900-1300 which is attractive. If you play around with it you’ll see what I mean. There is an excellent free PDF article on the Artillery Luger by Phillip Schreier which you can read and/or download if you click here. Payment by postal money order or certified bank check only please. It has all matching serial numbers inside and out. It’s a bit more complicated than that as there’s a trigger lever behind the side plate but that the basics of it. 1917 German Erfurt Luger 9mm matching serial numbers WWI Description: This is a WWI era German luger dated 1917 and made by Erfurt. The trigger essentially swings the sear bar out of the way of the corresponding surface on the striker (firing pin).
#German luger serial number database how to
It’s kind of weird to explain how to decock a luger but basically you pull the trigger around the halfway point of the upper going into battery.